February 7, 2025

Landlord FAQ

Landlord Information

  • How to become an landlord?

    You will want to register here on the MHA website [see Landlord Services]. Once you have completed the online form, you will be assigned a password. Access to the website will keep you abreast of changes in policies and/or procedures and will also allow you to begin registration for the Landlord Portal. The Landlord Portal allows you to monitor the status of your unit inspections, check the HAP payments you have received, and change contact or banking information.

    The first step in becoming a MHA landlord occurs when an eligible voucher holder is interested in renting your unit. Your prospective tenant should provide you with two packets (1) the Landlord Packet [3550] and (2) the RTA Packet [3820].   Part 1 of the Landlord Packet is for new landlord set-up. Part 2 is also completed for each unit under consideration. The RTA Packet identifies basic information regarding the unit.

    If you are a new landlord, information provided in the Landlord Packet will allow an account to be set-up. After this set-up is completed by the Finance Department, the caseworker can forward the unit information to the Inspections Department.

    You will be contacted by the assigned inspector to arrange access to the unit for the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection.

    A more detailed listing of how to get your unit ready for inspection is found under Getting Ready for Inspection.

    If the unit passes, the inspector will give you the Confirmation of Move-In form [3610]. You and your tenant must complete this form and return it promptly.

    If the unit fails, the inspector will identify the deficiencies that require your attention. When these items are corrected, notify the inspector and coordinate a re-inspection of the unit. If the unit fails at the re-inspection, MHA will no longer consider this unit for program participation.

    If MHA is not notified that the deficiencies have been corrected within 30 days of the initial inspection, MHA will no longer consider this unit for program participation.

    After submission of the Confirmation of Move-In form, the caseworker will contact you in order to execute the HAP and other final documents in this process.

  • How do I list a property with Housing Choice

    You will want to register here on the MHA website [see Landlord Services]. Once you have completed the online form, you will be assigned a password. Access to the website will keep you abreast of changes in policies and/or procedures. The Landlord Portal allows you to monitor the status of your unit inspections, check the HAP payments you have received, and change contact or banking information.

    We encourage landlords to list their units at www.georgiahousingsearch.org   This site is sponsored by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and is free to tenants, landlords, and other housing authorities. It provides detailed information about rental properties and helps people find housing to best fit their needs. It is online, 24 hours a day, or can be accessed through a toll-free, bilingual call center at 1-877-428-8844.

    You can also advertise your property by other conventional means, such as newspaper ads, bulletin boards, and For Rent signs.


  • How to get ready for Inspection?

    HUD regulations require The Marietta Housing Authority to inspect all potential Housing Choice units to ensure that they are “decent, safe and sanitary” according to federal Housing Quality Standards (“HQS”). No unit can be leased through Housing Choice unless it meets these standards.

    Over and above these standards, The Marietta Housing Authority has also established its own set of criteria to ensure that Housing Choice families receive superior housing choices in good neighborhoods with a strong quality-of-life infrastructure. Document [5510] and [5520] explain these additional standards in more detail.

    In evaluating a prospective unit for suitability, The Marietta Housing Authority looks at the condition of the unit itself, but also the condition of the property site and the quality of the larger neighborhood. Our goal is to ensure that every Housing Choice family enjoys full access to educational and employment opportunities in a healthy community that promotes good citizenship and cooperative living.

    Please note that the following is only a general checklist of requirements. The Marietta Housing Authority will cite, require correction, and act upon observable conditions outside of HQS Standards.  Again, no unit can be leased up unless it meets these standards.

    Building Exterior

    • Roof, gutter, fascia, and foundation wall are all structurally sound and weather tight.
    • Walls are free of peeling paint and graffiti.
    • Windows work properly, are weather tight and lockable.
    • All exterior windows designed to open have screens and those screens are maintained by the landlord.
    • Porches have guardrails in accordance with building codes.
    • Stairs with four or more steps have handrails in accordance with building codes.
    • Exterior and shared basement doors have locks designed for exterior use and of sufficient quality to support the weight of the door.
    • If the building is designed to have gutters it does, and they are clear of debris.


    • Lawn and storage areas are free of garbage, debris.
    • No overgrown vegetation such as weeds or kudzu.
    • Lawn and shrubs are properly edged and trimmed on a regular basis.
    • Limited soil erosion.
    • Fencing, if any, is in good repair and free of graffiti.


    • All utilities are on and operating safely.
    • Water heater is properly installed and operating.
    • Water heater is equipped with a correct temperature-pressure relief valve according to the manufacturer’s specifications, and those specifications are posted near the heater so they can be verified by the inspector. A discharge pipe is installed on the valve within six (6) inches of the ground.
    • Plumbing is properly installed, leak-free and vented in accordance with building codes.
    • Air conditioning system is properly installed and operational.
    • Heating system is properly installed and operational.
    • Buildings have properly marked fire exits that meet building codes.
    • No exposed wires or open electrical panels.
    • Pilot lights on gas stoves are in proper working order.

    Dwelling Unit

    • Walls are clean, painted and free from holes, peeling, chipping or loose paint.
    • Unit is free of any trash or debris.
    • All appliances (e.g., stove, refrigerator) are clean and operable.
    • Each bedroom has at least two electrical outlets or one electrical outlet and an overhead light.
    • Each bedroom has a window, and, if designed to be opened, the window operates properly.
    • Stairs with four or more steps have handrails in accordance with building codes.
    • Electrical outlets, switches, and light fixtures are in proper working order with appropriately sized cover.
    • Bathroom doors have functioning locks.
    • Doors are installed where required throughout the unit.
    • Smoke alarms located in close proximity to all sleeping area and are installed on each level of the unit and are operational.
    • Windows and doors are operable and are not blocked, nailed shut or in any other condition that would prevent egress.
    • No condition that presents a tripping hazard in flooring or stairways.
    • Unit is free of mold and mildew.
    • No propane, natural or methane gas odor is detectable.
    • No sewer odor is detectable.
    • No evidence of insect or vermin presence.

    *The Marietta Housing Authority adheres to the Code of Federal Regulations at Title 24 Part 982 Sections 404, 405 and 406; applicable HUD Handbooks; Housing Inspections Manual H-605 and HUD supplements in order to determine, enforce, and monitor the acceptable criteria for HQS. HQS will take precedence over State and/or local housing codes unless State and/or local codes, or The Marietta Housing Authority-established requirements, are more restrictive. In those cases, The Marietta Housing Authority will adhere to the more stringent State and/or local housing codes and The Marietta Housing Authority-established requirements.

  • How does Housing Choice determine rent rates?


    Whenever a new unit is listed with Housing Choice, the landlord’s first question is: How much is the rent going to be?

    We would like to bring new units into the program at the landlord’s requested rental rate. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. In negotiating rental rates, the Housing Choice Programs caseworker must consider the following factors:

    • Number of bedrooms; number of bathrooms; additional rooms
    • Utilities and other services paid by the tenant
    • Rent Reasonableness
      • The rent does not exceed other similar unassisted units
    • Maximum rent burden of the client family
      • Rent burden cannot exceed 40%
      • See how Your subsidy is Calculated [1410] which is given to voucher holders



    The owner may request a rental increase only after the initial lease term.

    • Min. 60 day notice to tenant
    • Min. 60 day Request for Rent Increase to MHA; copy of notice to tenant attached
    • Rent Reasonableness test;  approve/deny/amend
    • MHA gives 30 days notice to tenant and landlord of approve/deny/amend
    • See forms [3330] and [3335]


  • How do I select renters for my property?


    Many new real estate investors underestimate the importance of screening applicants. Finding the right renters for your property will be key to your success as a landlord.

    The Marietta Housing Authority conducts criminal background checks on Housing Choice families, but otherwise screening and selection are entirely the landlord’s responsibility. In fact, the Marietta Housing Authority is prohibited by law from screening or steering Housing Choice families.

    The screening and selection criteria a landlord uses must comply with all fair housing laws. Several options are open to landlords:

    1. Contact former landlords to inquire about applicants’ payment and housekeeping history.
    2. Contact utility companies for applicants’ payment history
    3. Ask applicants for employment references to verify sources of income.
    4. Ask applicants for any history of evictions.
    5. Ask applicants about any drug-related or criminal activity.
    6. Ask to meet applicants at their current residence to see first hand how they maintain their homes.

  • What are other Atlanta Area Housing Authorities?

    Metro Atlanta Housing Authorities

    County Contact Phone/Fax Website
    Jonesboro Housing Authority
    203 Hightower Street
    Jonesboro, Ga. 30236
    (770) 478-7282 (voice)

    (770) 478-2528 (fax)

    Dekalb Housing Authority
    750 Commerce Drive, Suite 201
    Decatur, Ga. 30030
    (404) 270-2500 (voice)

    (404) 270-2643 (fax)

    Housing Authority of the City of Decatur
    P.O. Box 1627
    750 Commerce Dr., Suite 300
    Decatur, GA 30031
    (404) 270-2100 (voice)

    (404) 270-2122 (fax)

    Douglas, Fayette,

    Gwinnett, Henry, Newton,

    Rockdale, Spalding

    Georgia Department of Community Affairs
    60 Executive Park South #250
    Atlanta, Ga. 30329
    (404) 679-4840 (voice)

    (404) 679-0595 (fax)

    Atlanta Housing Authority
    230 John Wesley Dobbs Ave.
    Atlanta, GA. 30303
    (404) 685-4952 (voice) www.atlantahousingauth.org
    Housing Authority of the City Of College Park
    1908 W. Princeton Ave.
    College Park, GA. 30337
    (404) 559-4952 (voice) www.collegeparkhousingchoice.org
    East Point Housing Authority
    1600 Connally Drive
    East Point, GA. 30344
    (404) 762-6665 (voice)

    (404) 767-3129 (fax)

    Housing Authority of Fulton County
    10 Park Place, SE, Suite 550
    Atlanta, Ga. 30303
    (404) 730-5841 (voice) www.hafc.org
    Lawrenceville Housing Authority
    502 Glenn Edge Dr.
    Lawrenceville, Ga. 30045
    (770) 963-4900 (voice)

    (770) 338-8447 (fax)



  • Landlord Packet /A Change of Ownership/Management

    Thank you for your interest in continuing participation as a Landlord/Owner in the Housing Choice Voucher [HCV] Program for the Marietta Housing Authority [MHA]. In order to process this change, information must be processed by two different departments in our organization. Please consider these two processes as outlined within the Landlord Packet.



  • Landlord Direct Deposit Change Form

    I hereby authorize the Marietta Housing Authority, hereinafter referred to as MHA, to deposit the
    Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) that is due to me into my checking/savings account with the financial institution indicated below, and to initiate credit/debit entries and adjustments to the same account in the event of any errors in the credit/debit entries affected by MHA.

    Landlord Direct Deposit Change Form

  • HAP Assignment Contract Document

    This form is to be used to document approval of an assignment of a Housing Assistance Payments Contract. Section 14 of the HAP Contract governs such assignments. In particular, section 14.a. provides that “The owner may not assign the HAP contract to a new owner without the prior written consent of the PHA.” Section 14.g. provides that “The new owner must agree to be bound by and comply with the HAP contract. The agreement must be in writing, and in a form acceptable to the PHA. The new owner must give the PHA a copy of the executed agreement.”

    HAP Assignment Contract Document

Marietta Housing Authority