February 7, 2025



The Marietta Housing Authority
New Development

 Henderson Arms Senior Community

    Renovation for Henderson Arms        New Development
Noel Taylor – Director of Development 770-419-3642

Scott Campbell – Assistant Director of Development  770-419-5143

The responsibility of a housing authority to be an active participant in redevelopment of its community is a very high priority on the part of the Marietta Housing Authority. Continuing a long tradition as a leading force for redevelopment, MHA constantly seeks to forge partnerships in both the public and private sectors. With the help of our strategic partners, we will continue to use our funds and expertise to transform blighted areas. This is achieved by marketing land formerly occupied by obsolete public housing and by acquiring blighted or substandard property for redevelopment as affordable housing and mixed use and mixed income developments that will permit families to change their lives and progress to self-sufficiency.
Replacement of blighting structures with affordable senior and ownership housing and other better land uses will continue to guide the redevelopment activities of MHA. As opportunities arise for property acquisition and redevelopment occur, we will make every effort to respond, within the limits of prudent management of public funds. Such acquisition opportunities may range from singe family detached houses to large apartment complexes.
Robert Buckner                 Director of Contract Management
Marietta Housing Authority