How to Become a Landlord
The Marietta Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher program provides rental assistance to low-income families in the private rental market. |
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We encourage landlords to list their units at Access to the website will keep you abreast of changes in policies and/or procedures and will also allow you to begin registration for the Landlord Portal. The Landlord Portal allows you to monitor the status of your unit inspections, check the HAP payments you have received, and change contact or banking information.
The first step in becoming a MHA landlord occurs when an eligible voucher holder is interested in renting your unit. Your prospective tenant should provide you with two packets (1) the Landlord Packet [3550] and (2) the RTA Packet [3820]. Part 1 of the Landlord Packet is for new landlord set-up. Part 2 is also completed for each unit under consideration. The RTA Packet identifies basic information regarding the unit.
If you are a new landlord, information provided in the Landlord Packet will allow an account to be set-up. After this set-up is completed by the Finance Department, the caseworker can forward the unit information to the Inspections Department.
You will be contacted by the assigned inspector to arrange access to the unit for the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection.
A more detailed listing of how to get your unit ready for inspection is found under Getting Ready for Inspection.
If the unit passes, the inspector will give you the Confirmation of Move-In form [3610]. You and your tenant must complete this form and return it promptly.
If the unit fails, the inspector will identify the deficiencies that require your attention. When these items are corrected, notify the inspector and coordinate a re-inspection of the unit. If the unit fails at the re-inspection, MHA will no longer consider this unit for program participation.
If MHA is not notified that the deficiencies have been corrected within 30 days of the initial inspection, MHA will no longer consider this unit for program participation.
After submission of the Confirmation of Move-In form, the caseworker will contact you in order to execute the HAP and other final documents in this process.